Ball pressure test on insulation materials

Test standards in the field of product safety for many electrical and electronic products demand a so-called ball pressure test for the assessment of the heat and fire resistance of the plastic material used in the product. This test is defined in EN 60695-10-2 (VDE 0471-10-2) – Fire hazard testing – Part 10-2: Abnormal heat – Ball pressure test method.

In the test, the test specimen is brought to the temperature specified in the standard. Then a defined downward force is applied through a steel ball on to the approximate center of the test sample.

After a period of 60 minutes, the pressure ball is removed and within 10 seconds the test specimen is immersed in water at a temperature of 20 °C. Following an immersion period of 6 minutes, the test specimen is removed from the water and dried thoroughly. The largest expansion of the depression caused by the pressure ball is measured within 3 minutes after removal from the water.

The ball pressure test is a method for determining the softening temperature of plastic materials (polymer materials) and the heat resistance of parts of finished products. It is carried out in a suitable single-chamber heating cabinet with a ball pressure tester on the pre-treated test sample. The required test temperature is often specified by the product standard. For certain components with special functions, there are frequently minimum requirements.

The subjects of the test are only non-metallic materials for use in electrotechnical equipment whose components and parts are made of solid electrical insulating materials.

Some product standards exclude the performance of the ball pressure method for ceramic and glass parts.

The ball pressure test method is not suitable for certain elastomers, foams, and other materials that are soft at room temperature.

The IEC 60695-10-2 was implemented in Europe with EN 60695-10-2.


Armin Hudetz
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