Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) – Assessment of the risks to human health:

In addition to the “classic” testing of the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of devices and systems, we also offer EMF measurements. Based on these measurements, the risk to human health from electromagnetic fields can be avoided or steps can be taken to ensure safety.

According to EC Directive 2013/35/EU, which has been implemented into national law, “the employer shall assess all risks for workers arising from electromagnetic fields at the workplace and, if necessary, measure or calculate the levels of electromagnetic fields to which workers are exposed.”

DGUV Regulation 15 defines the following:
The employer must ensure that neither unacceptable exposures nor unacceptable indirect effects from EM fields occur in workplaces and at workstations.

Special attention / additional safeguards are required for particularly vulnerable employees:

  • employees who wear active or passive implanted medical devices, such as pacemakers
  • pregnant employees

The 26th regulation for the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields – 26th BImSchV) applies to the construction and operation of high-frequency systems, low-frequency systems, and direct-current systems. It contains requirements for the protection of the public and the neighborhood from harmful environmental effects and for the prevention of harmful environmental effects caused by electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields.

Range of services

  • Measurement and evaluation of workplaces, e.g.
    • in accordance with EC Directive 2013/35/EU (“Workers Directive”)
    • according DGUV regulation 15
    • regarding special requirements for people with active implants (pacemakers, etc.)
  • Measurements in surroundings of installations with electromagnetic interference potential, e.g.
    • high-voltage and low-voltage installations
    • railway installations
    • transformer stations
    • industrial induction ovens and systems
    • medical diagnostic equipment (MRT)
  • Measurement and evaluation of EMF from:
    • household appliances and similar electrical appliances (DIN EN 62233)
    • devices for electrical article surveillance (EAS) and radio frequency identification (RFID) (DIN EN 50365)
    • lighting equipment (DIN EN 62493)
    • low-power electronic and electrical appliances (DIN EN 62479)

Technical options

  • Isotropic measuring sensors with simultaneous detection of all room directions for selective and broadband measurement of the magnetic and electric near and far field:
    • static magnetic field (DC field)
    • magnetic fields from 1 Hz to 1,000 MHz
    • electric fields from 1 Hz to 50 GHz
  • Direct indication of exposure as percentage of limit value
  • Time sequence and frequency spectrum of the interference signal can be displayed
  • Long-term measurement for up to 24 hours
  • Control by display unit or PC software with extensive additional functions

Regulatory basics

Legal regulations

  • EC Directive 2013/35/EU (“Workers Directive”): Minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (electromagnetic fields)
  • EC Council Recommendation 1999/519/EC relating the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields
  • 26th ordinance on the implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (Ordinance on Electromagnetic Fields – 26th BImSchV)

Regulations of the employer’s liability associations and statutory accident insurers

Standardized principles

  • EN 50413: Basic standard on measurement and calculation procedures for human exposure to electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (0 Hz–300 GHz)
  • EN 50664: Generic standard to demonstrate the compliance of equipment used by workers with limits on exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz–300 GHz), when put into service or in situ
  • EN 50364: Product standard for human exposure to electromagnetic fields from devices operating in the frequency range 0 Hz–300 GHz, used in Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and similar applications
  • EN 50663: Generic standard for assessment of low-power electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (10 MHz–300 GHz)
  • EN 62233: Measurement methods for electromagnetic fields of household appliances and similar apparatus with regard to human exposure
  • EN 62493: Assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields
  • EN 62311: Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposure restrictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz–300 GHz)
  • EN 62369-1: Evaluation of human exposure to electromagnetic fields from short-range devices (SRDs) in various applications over the frequency range 0 GHz–300 GHz – Part 1: Fields produced by devices used for electronic article surveillance, radio frequency identification, and similar systems
  • EN 62479: Assessment of the compliance of low-power electronic and electrical equipment with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10 MHz–300 GHz) 

Other documents

  • E DIN VDE 0848-3-1:2002-05 – Draft (withdrawn): Safety in electrical, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields – Part 3-1: Protection of persons with active implants in the frequency range 0 Hz–300 GHz
  • Research Report 451 (Forschungsbericht 451): Safety of employees with active and passive medical devices when exposed to electromagnetic fields; Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, January 2015


Armin Hudetz
t: +49 89 78 74 75-133
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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t: +49 89 78 74 75-222
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