

We are widely positioned with our service spectrum and serve miscellaneous branches of industry. The following gives you a review of our key aspects. Furthermore, our test services are also demanded in other branches of industry as for example mamarnufacturers of power supplies, consumer electronics, batteries, etc.

Automotive, Traffic Engineering

In the field of automotive, transport we count automotive manufacturers, machine manufacturers as well as suppliers of the automotive, railway and aviation industry among our customers. With it the aeronautical engineering plays a significant role. In this sector, high demands have been made on the qualifications ever since.Through the increasing application of electronic components in the automotive industry, increasingly higher demands on qualifications arise, as already in the aviation technology.

Electronic Industry - Manufacturers of Components

Often the smallest component of an entire system is important for success! For this reason, the qualification of connectors, chips as well as other devices and components is highly valued today.

IT & T

The roots of our business lie in the field of Information and Telecommunication Technology making the expertise of our personnel unique in this business field.

Machinery, Automation Technology

A large share of the expected future growth in automation will not only take place in Germany speaking countries but also in the new market places as for example China and Eastern Europe. The increasing use of new technologies brings new demands on the testing and certification of automation. To ensure export ability and with it competitiveness, it becomes more and more important to know the international requirements and to incorporate them in product development in time in order to bring about the necessary approvals/accreditations cost efficient. The goal is to protect the human, the machine and the environment.

Medical Technology

Medical technology focuses on the protection of human life. Therefore, extreme high demands are made on safety, quality and reliability.

Other Market Segments

We offer testing services for other market segments, e.g.
  • Manufacturers of power supply units
  • Manufacturers of entertainment electronics, consumer electronics
  • Manufacturers of batteries